What is the best way to decrease drag and increase fuel economy in aircraft?

Friday, October 31, 2014

October Additional Blog Post

This month for my senior project I have begun to work on my independent component and began the search for a new mentor. 

     For my independent component, I began researching different types of airfoils I could choose for the design of the craft. An airfoil is the shape of the wing from the side of it and has a huge impact on the lift and aerodynamics of the wings.(Example of the schematic of one shown below)     I encountered many different varieties to choose from, all of which had different affects on the planes turning, or roll. Since I did not want to get fancy, I decided on an airfoil known as NACA(National Advisory Committee for Aerodynamics) 0015. The NACA airfoils are followed by 4 numbers. The first two decide whether or not there is any camber on the airfoil, like the one above. To make it easier and simpler on myself, I chose one without camber. Camber, by the way, is the symmetry between the top and bottom half of the airfoil. Since NACA 0015 has none, it is considered symmetrical. After second pair of numbers determines the width of the airfoil at the thickest point. Since the number is 15, that means at the max point, the airfoil is 15% of the chord length thick. (NACA 0015 Pictured below)

     I decided on NACA 0015 because it was a simple one to construct and provided nothing special, but would allow the craft a fair amount of maneuverability. After deciding on this, I now must determine how long I want or need my chord length so I can begin to construct the most basic airfoil and continue from there.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Blog 8: Research and Working EQ

1. What is your working EQ? 

What is the best way to alter the structure of an aircraft to reduce drag and improve fuel-efficiency?

2. What is a possible answer to your working EQ? 

By implementing blended wing body, an aircraft is able to produce lift across the whole structure reducing drag and weight factors allowing for improved fuel-efficiency.

3. What is the most important source you have used that has helped you come up with an answer to your working EQ?

My most important source so far has been "Fundamentals of Aerodynamics" from the Naval Aviations School Command because it introduced me to several physics concepts that affect an aircraft's flight performance and allowed me to better understand why structural changes, like they blended wing body, affect the craft's fuel efficiency.

4. Who is your mentor and how does what you are doing relate to your working EQ?

I currently do not have a mentor anymore, but am looking hard to find a new one. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Blog 7: Independent Component 1 Approval

1. For my 30 hours, I plan to design, construct and possibly fly a remote control airplane. By doing this, I will learn the basics of aircraft design, as well as, put into practice some of the ideas and concepts I have been learning about in my research. It will also allow me to get more hands on with my project and provide me with a, hopefully, fun way to better understand my topic. Ultimately, to complete it, I will continue to research and get insight into basic aircraft design.

2. To provide proof/evidence of my 30 hours of work, I will continually take pictures as I work through all stages of the process. Along with this, I hope to have a finished project that can be presentable. If flyable, I may also produce a video with footage of it flying.

3. By designing/constructing a small scale aircraft, I am ultimately putting to practice everything I have been researching. It is a much more hands on approach that will test my knowledge on the matters and force me to learn much more. This is basically a much simplified, basic and doable aerospace engineering activity. My first interviewee also suggested that I look in to RC craft to help me learn more in depth on aerodynamics, so I am sure it will provide me with a lot of information.